The most important gift for your love

“What is the most important thing to give your loved ones this year?

The Gift of LOVE, is THE most PRECIOUS GIFT OF ALL!!

Love can be seen or defined in many different ways…

Love… the feeling of complete connection, unconditional acceptance, total giving of self…

This is MY definition of love.

What an amazing Gift to give your loved ones.

To connect with a partner, a child, a parent, or anyone you describe as a “loved one”, is the most precious, divine gift of all. Most of us feel that, “yes, I do that all the time, but they don’t reciprocate”… or some others feel “how do I do that?”

The best way of knowing is by asking. Open the communication with your loved one, simply ask them “How do you feel about our loving connection?” and then listen with “no judgment”… which is, at times, one of the hardest things to do.

Our judgments separate us, cause friction – which shut us down. When a judgment is used, in this moment, we loose the connection with our loved one. We need to trust and with trusting comes openness without judgment, the ability to speak our truth from a place of heart, a place of deep Soul.. We, humanity, knows when one speaks from that very loving, special place as we don’t feel threatened or attacked. So this year, this Holiday Season, and every moment give the gift of Love. Tell your Loved ones how special they are, allow them to feel your loving energy… do it with words, with actions and with SOUL… when one cannot express the feeling in words, let your SOUL speak Volumes… the others will hear it and will FEEL it deep within their Soulful selves.

Wishing you much LOVE, Peaceful Guiding Light and JOY in this Holiday Season and every second of your Divine Life…

Blessings of Love, Light and Peace…


Goddess Magenta