Summer Solstice and Earth Healing

What is the Summer Solstice? Typically seen as the longest day of the year. The ancients celebrated this day as a herald of what is to come. As a point where we reflect on the past and predict our future. Solstice was seen as a point of history to measure our evolution as the human race.

So how far have we come?

Earth Healing Summer Solstice Meditation Here  [wpshopcart_add_to_cart id=”3″ ]

The solstice celebrations over centuries were also heralding the “new era”. The time when consciousness would evolve to a certain point where we no longer had war, where humans were evolved enough to live in peace, to have resolved conflict and find new ways of coming together. And Solstice – was always a time for communities to come and celebrate and have a good party. It was like a neighborhood block party where everyone came out and just partied, no matter what had gone down before you came together to commemorate what kept up the common good.

The way you perceive “how far we have come” is the key to where your personal evolution is at. We are not near the age of peace yet, but we are at a turning point. And it is your personal journey and evolution that decides the fate of human consciousness and whether the new era will truly be an age of peace or age we say “we just couldn’t make it happen”.

What is the “new era”?

It really is something new under the sun.

The “new era” is heralding new ways of being, thinking, feeling and relating for all of us.

With these new ways, we are being asked to:

* let go of outdated modes of operating in relationships

* to create CLEAR boundaries and define for ourselves what is important based on stepping into NEW ways of experiencing JOY in our emotions and our bodies

* to redefine how we relate to our body

The body is no longer a vessel for work. The new era is truly asking us to step into our joy and understand how we find joy in our lives that is outside how much we owe, what we do or what we think we are – and step into an authentic embodied place where we can connect more fully to ourselves.

In the meditation circle I have created called “Earth Healing” we sit in a group and align our body to the rhythms, music and pulsation of our own rhythms. Much like the ancient sufi’s who would whirl and dance to feel the vibration of their central channel – we will explore our own core being and central channel in the body – to see what pulsation we can feel through our body.

The meditation circle acts as a vibratory “pulse” barometer through our own bodies to sense what the planet’s core is asking us to become aware of.

Participants listen to messages from their own body about what needs to be awakened, or paid attention to, and connect to their OWN HEALING ability so that they are more empowered to unlock their own potential.

You may also receive insights as to what you are required to “let go of” in order to move into your “new era”.

Most importantly, these circles are opportunity for you to step into what you wish to create in YOUR “new era”.

Independent of what any other advice you may receive – your own inner guidance is the most important element for you to pay attention to in these times of “shift”, change and evolution.

What would you like to see in your world, your life and how would you love to see your natural self enhanced by the possibilities to expand into your greater self?

The meditation circle “Earth Healing” gets us to connect what is moving and yearning to expand inside of us. The circle is not about healing the earth but rather engaging with the connection to earth through our bodies to enable YOUR OWN HEALING ABILITY and to enhance your emotional development and JOY!

Are you ready to step into a new skin?

Don’t worry – you don’t have to be ready. Just be open to what you truly desire!