Balancing your Emotions

When our emotions are OUT of balance – we feel overwhelm and we may be used to being out of balance.

You may not actually recognize when you are in balance.
Learning how to be with your emotions – is acknowledging that you may not be complete, you may not know exactly who you are.
There is an illusion that you have to ‘perfect’ in your emotions – but this is not balance.
Balancing your emotions, is learning what are you feeling, and what you may be ‘upset’ or out of balance about – and how to address this and start listening to the emotions so they are heard and you change something to get your needs and desires met differently.
In the video, I mention how romance and the arts remind us not to look for perfection
when it comes to our emotions, but rather to seek to understand them
so that we can integrate them – and learn what they are trying to communicate
what we need, what may upset you and  what will bring you joy once your emotions are understood.

Please enjoy the strategy of self – reflection questions in the facebook live here:

A Strategy to Balance your Emotions